Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzchak Schwartz
***** The vision of our Paradise Healing course
is to awaken inside of ourselves,
a flow…
a healing flow…
an unhindered flow…
a fully expressed flow…
a Divine/human fusion flow…
a flow that ultimately will enable us
to return to the Garden of Eden
We yearn to integrate all kinds of supplements in the
course [if that is what Hashem will want as well], such as; an
alphabetical healing tools chart[drawn from all areas of life and
Torah], an inner circle of like-minded friends seeking to be healed and
heal other individuals and the whole generation, 1 on 1 sessions for
those wishing to benefit from the healing in an intensive and
personalized way, a course that will touch upon as many aspects of the
human condition and contemporary topics as possible, a network of
healers—enabling everyone to share their special wisdom with those most
in need and
the latest inspirational idea that I’m working on, is to go through
every day’s corresponding ‘Aliya’ in the Parsha, and discover all the
healing lessons and tools, and use them as a daily guide in life….
Paradise healing foundation meditation
See yourself in the garden of eden …..
take a look around yourself
and see what you can see—trees, rivers, a beautiful breeze and whatever
else you can see….. Allow yourself to experience seeing from one end of
the world to the other…..
take a look inside of yourself
and see what you can see….what does your mind feel like here in
paradise? Your heart? feel the feeling of being aware of all aspects of
yourself…..feel the feeling of being a fully actualized and fully
expressed being….feel the feeling of being at one with hashem—fully
fused in all ways….feel the feeling of easily grasping insights that
have always been beyond you….
take a look at your life now [outside of the garden of eden]
and paradise your life!!....what would it take to step into the garden
of eden now?! Let’s try……paradise all the upcoming events of your
life….simply see each event as it will most likely play itself out
---and then project how you can paradise all the events of your day by
energizing all that you do with_______;
***zero worry, anxiety,negativity
***full self expression
***divine empowered fusion
For example, take a look at an upcoming meeting with someone later in
the day…..see how great that meeting will be….toss up all worries and
anxieties and negativities onto a cloud floating up to hashem, for him
to take care of……..see how you will enlist all of your unique strengths
and talents and joy and prescence in the meeting…………….see how hashem
will make it all happen for you in the best way possible…..see how you
will be fused with hashem’s empowerment and guidance….see how you will
act even beyond your normal capacities……
Do the same for all of the events of your day …
Begin paradising your day and your life …..
May we merit a true paradise healing
******The formula for ‘Paradise Healing’ is straight-forward…It is the
process of removing all obstacles [internal and external] in the
following 3 realms;
FLOW—uninterrupted/unhindered flow of
ALLNESS--total self expression & actualization
BEYOND—fusion with Hashem and w/what’s beyond us
Every one of the upcoming Torah healing approaches will fit into the
above definition in one or more of the above three realms
******Torah Paradise Healing is an awareness….One is aware
of the Torah’s healing powers that our Sages [ both
contemporary and ancient] reveal to us….Also one is aware of the
potent power of Torah, and accordingly, approaches Torah with a
mindset and intention of awe ,holiness, intensity, dedication and
a relentless dedication to achieve clarity and the greatest possible
depth…Then, as
a consequence, one remains aware of one or many of the healings that
result and is personally transformed and healed…..
******Just as the Torah is infinite, it stands to reason, that
the number of it’s healing benefits are infinite as well, but being the
finite being that I am, I bring a partial, finite list of Torah
1. HEAL PHYSICAL PAIN----If your head hurts,or your
arms, stomach or your entire body—occupy yourself with Torah and remove
the pain
2. HEAL YAITZER HARA---- Learn Torah as a remedy or a type
of healing spice/herb {Tavlin} for transforming your inclination
for going against Hashem’s Will {Yaitzer HaRa}into an inclination to do
Hashem’s Will {Yaitzer HaTov]}
3. HEAL INNER CHAOS----Occupy yourself with Torah and transform
your natural chaotic perspective or mindset to being a clear
,orderly, rectified state
[Kabbalistic interpretation of the rectification of the ‘Broken
4. HEAL EVERYTHING\CURE-ALL----Whenever you are in need of
healing/tikun, just increase the quantity and /or quality of the Torah
learning that you presently are used to
[a tradition from my Rav, and his and many others]
5. HEAL THE G-D CONNECTION----Know that Torah actually is G-d’s
Presence filtered down infinitely to the level of conceptual
words on paper----so attach yourself to these concepts and you
automatically connect yourself to G-d
[Kabbalistic teaching]
that the Torah, Yisrael and Hashem, are one,
therefore, the more that you engage in Torah, the more that you connect
to and refine your essence
[the Holy Zohar]
7. HEAL YOUR SOUL----Know that Torah can be learned
on one of a number of levels---from the most simple to the deepest
of levels, and what is in-between….....All of these levels
correspond to one of the levels of Soul….......To the extent that you
engage Torah on one or more of these levels, to that extent you refine
and heal that level of your Soul
[the Teachings of the Ariza’l]
******Here are more Torah Healings in short-form;
8. Eternal source of Spiritual Nutrition
9. The Source of keeping the World running
10.Rectification of character traits
11. Source of Atonement
12. Source of the Hidden Light [Ohr Ganuz]
13. Refiner of physicality\materialism
14. Source of the unifying principle of
15. Microcosmic Source of Tikun Olam
16. Partially reduces the need for sleep
17. It’s light brings us to a state of goodness
18. Expands our constricted mind-state
19. Purifies our corruptive mind-state
20. Source of happiness
21. Source of purification
22. Reflector of our present spiritual level
23. Connects us to the atmosphere of the Garden of
24. Causes specific Providential Reality to take
25. Opens up a channel to receive Divine information
26. Opens up the gates of Infinity
27. Makes the fool into a wise person
28. Clarifies that which is unclear
29. It’s multi-dimensional realms serve as the
sources of
Tikun\healing for their corresponding aspects in life
30. Provides for us a bridge and guidance to engage
all wordly wisdom
A Torah Healing Meditation
Project yourself engaging torah in a paradise healing
Go through each one of the above torah healing powers
With the intention of allowing Hashem to cause each source of healing
To slowly but surely permeate your being........., every time you
learn torah, experience how these Torah healings profoundly impact your
life More and more as time goes by………
Now make yourself into an empty vessel, thereby opening up your
ability to receive...............simply receive each one and notice how
each one will affect you over time…………
I have been playing with the idea of creating a table of
contents, a ‘roadmap’ for this 'Paradise Healing Course'…and in
contemplating many individual topics which I feel to be most
interesting and pertinent, I see certain patterns presenting
themselves, but I still see it best not to lay out an entire course
plan just yet [until the direction becomes clearer than it is now]....
I sent out an email to test the waters of some new ‘brainstormed’
healing topics….I asked some people which one of 31 different types of
healing topics they may be interested in…..I got a few responses, but
my favorite response was from a friend of mine, who made 2 comments;
1.Next to every Baskins and Robbins 31 flavors of ice cream, I should
open up my own chain stores and call them, ‘Reb Yitzchak’s 31 Flavors
of Healing’
2. ‘’All this healing is making me sick’’ [though I thrive
on and love my friend’s unique sense of humor,I hope to show him in the
end, that a massive collection healing recipes can truly be healing and
not just ‘’too much of a good thing.’’
I do see that one of the realms that seems to be quite all encompassing
and central in it’s drive towards opening up a healing flow of
consciousness, is the concept of ‘Wholeness’……………….When we live our
lives in a whole or holistic mindset, as opposed to a fragmented one,
then we attach ourselves naturally to the solutions as opposed to the
problems, to the light and not the dark……….I won’t elaborate on this
point now too much , mainly because, besides my own upcoming lists, I
bring you selected quotes from the writings of 2 people---the first one
, a scholar from the world of academia, and after him, a true Jewish
Mystic’s view on wholeness…..
But first, I bring you a list designed to transform normal fragmented
ways of perceiving reality and transform them into;
Perceptions & Communications
Transform fragmented
consciousness into wholeness consciousness
1. SOLUTIONIZE----------instead of solving problems by
focusing on 1 or a few isolated aspects of the problem, solve
problems by orienting the problem within the context of the whole story
2. STATE YOUR CASE -------instead of convincing others of your ‘case’ ,
by only presenting a few sides, present all of the sides, from before
the beginning until after the end
3. MAKING A CHOICE--------instead of trying to choose between a limited
number of different possibilities , allow all possibilities to be given
an equal shot by simply saying to all possibilities [let them all run
the race , like a lineup of racehorses], and then, based on which of
them fares the best, go with those
4. COACHING OTHERS------instead of only listening to what the person’s
immediate problem is, have them tell as complete a story as
possible---the background , the emotional sides, the other people
involved, desired results etc….often, you will see that the more they
themselves elaborate on the story, the more they see the direction to
go in, all by themselves
5. INTERPERSONALIZING------instead of relating to[and judging]
others based only on what you are being presented with right now, see
their past [i.e.…they are the way they are , due to past experiences,
traumas..etc..] and see their potential future [ie…they ultimately will
be perfected , and by reflecting that to them right now, you empower
them greatly]
6. TORAH IN EXILE---------instead of seeing non Torah secular wisdom as
being something different and separate from Torah wisdom, see it as
being a part of Torah wisdom—a complimentary, supplementary way of
understanding mainline Torah concepts [after all, Torah essentially
encompasses all wisdom]
7. ASSOCIATIVE MIND REMEMBERING-----instead of remembering things by
straining your brain, relax and write down in the middle of a
circle, what ever you would like to remember, then at the end of
the lines coming out of the entire circle, tap your associative mind,
and in a passive way, just let the answers come to you and mark them
down at the end of the concentric lines
8. PROCESSING G-D’S PROVIDENCE [A]----------instead of assuming that
you understand why G-d did what He did, allow for the possibility that
G-d had 1000’s of considerations in coming to His decision that you
never even considered
9. PROCESSING G-D’S PROVIENCE [B]-------------instead of seeing
only the immediate challenge that you experience as being solely
indicative of how G-d is guiding you, make a list of all the events of
your day or week , and see the common thread that connects all of these
events , as being your personalized Divine guidance
seeing yourself and the impact of your actions as being
insignificant in relation to the entire Universe, see each one of your
thoughts , feelings, words and actions as being potentially so
powerful, that they can influence the parallel thoughts , feelings ,
words and actions of many other people across space and time
11. YOUR DAILY/ANNUAL PRAYER--------instead of seeing every
prayer that you pray as being disconnected to all other prayers , see
all the prayers of the entire year as being one unit, and focus each
day on another aspect of your prayer, putting all of your power into
that one aspect—and then the next day, another aspect, and so on, until
by the end of the year , you have a string of perfected parts of the
entire prayer service , all combining into one grand Prayer service
12. ALL IS SIGNIFICANT---------------instead of seeing all
of the seemingly endless details of your daily dealings or of the
subject that you are learning etc… as being just another detail in the
maze of life, see each detail as being a part or puzzle piece of
ultimate importance and significance---and when it comes time to
analyze the whole picture, see how all the parts are very necessary and
13. MANAGING A GROUP OF PEOPLE------------instead of seeing
only some of the various people and/or components of your
community or organization as being important, see ALL the component
parts of your group as being vitally important, and relate to everyone
and everything accordingly
[quotes of dr. david
bohm who’s based
his book, on 40 years of research in Berkeley and U. of Penn,
Princeton…and elsewhere..these quotes are taken from the 1st chap. of
his work
-'wholeness and the implicate order’ ]
‘’ …fragmentation is now very widespread…throughout society,…in every
individual….leading to a kind of general confusion of mind, …an endless
series of problems,…interferes with clarity of persception…prevent us
from being able to solve them [problems]…..’’
‘’ Thus art, science, technology and human work are…divided up into
specialties,…considered to be in essence separate from the others…
Society…is broken up into separate nations, …religions, political,
economic, racial groups.etc.’’
‘’…each individual…. fragmented into large number of separate,
conflicting compartments according to his different desires, aims,
ambitions, loyalties, psychological such a degree
It is generally accepted that some degree of neurosis is inevitable,
while many nindividuals going beyond the ‘normal’ limits of
fragmentation are classified as paranoid, schizoid, psychotic.etc..’’
‘’ The notion that all these fragments are separately existent is
evidently an illusion, and this illusion cannot do other than lead to
endless conflict and confusion. ..and has led to …a series of extremely
urgent crises…today….pollution, the destruction of the balance of
nature,over-population, world-wide economic and political disorder…an
environment that is neither physically nor mentally
healthy….individually…a feeling of helplessness and despair …of
Social forces,…comprehension of human beings…’’
‘’…to some extent, …necessary…for man to divide things up…to reduce his
problems to manageable proportions…..neverthless ultimately led to
destructive results….when this mode of thought is applied to man’s
notion of himself, and the whole world in which he lives, then …man
begins to see and experience himself and his world as actually
constituted of separately existing fragments…[and] acts in such a way
as to try to break himself and the world up, so that all seems to
correspond to his way of thinking…and man thus obtains proof of his of
the correctness of his fragmentary view…[and] overlooks …that he
himself has brought [it] about….’’
‘’Indeed, man has always been seeking wholeness—mental, physical,
social, individual….the word health in english is from ‘hale’ meaning
whole…that is, to be healthy is to be whole…roughly the same as the
Hebrew ‘shalem’…[and] the English ‘holy’… has always sensed that
Wholeness or integrity is an absolute necessity to make life worth
living…yet, over the ages , has lived in fragmentation’’
‘’…our thought [pervaded with differences and distinctions] objective
reality…so that the world is …experienced as actually broken up into
fragments….in scientific research and in a great deal of our thinking
is in terms of theories…from the greek root ‘theoria’ …the
same root as ‘theatre’…’to view’…’an insight’, ie.. a way of
‘looking’ at the world , and not a form of ‘knowledge’ of how the world
....Here are the words of R. Avraham Isaac Kook[zatz'l];
Philosophy embraces only a given part of the
spiritual world. By nature, it is detached from whatever is outside
it's sphere. By this itself, it is framented in it's being. The grace
of perceiving how all feelings and tendencies, from the small to the
large, are interdependent, how they act on each other, how separate
worlds are organically related--this it canot portray. For this reason,
it must always remain an aristocratic discipline, set apart for special
Greater than this is the mystical quest, which
by it's nature penetrates to the depths of all thought, all feelings,
all tendencies, all aspirations, and all worlds, from beginning to end.
It recognizes the unity of all existence, the physical and the
spiritual,the great and the small, and for this reason there is, from
it's perspective, no bigness or smallness. Everything is important, and
everything is invested with marked value. There is no lost gesture,
there is no vain imagining.
Because of this advantage, mystical
vision, in being able to embrace within itself all thoughts and all
sparks of the spiritual, is alone fit to chart for us the way to go.
Therefore, the mystical dimension
is the soul of religeon, the soul of the Torah. From it's substance
derives all that is revealed, all that is circumscribed, all that can
be conceived by logic, all that can be carried out in actions. The
far-reaching unity of the mystical dimension embraces all creatures,
all conditions of thought and feeling, all forms of poetry and
exposition, all expressions of life, all asprations and hopes, all
objectives and ideals, from the lowliest depths to the loftiest
heights. The source of life deriving from the highest realm of the
divine, which only the light of prophecy, the clear illumination, the
light seen by Adam, , the supernal lights can disclose, streams into
and passes through all stirrings of thought, all movements of the
[R. Avraham Kook zatz'l --The Lights of Holiness]